Jakarta, Sunday 2 August 2020


To : Ladies & Gentlemen as prospective investors in Indonesia for AAC light concrete brick factory.

We offer a Rp50 billion Capital Package with R.O.I. 22 months with Chinese Original Design Machines, whose import value is – / + US $ 1,250,000, or Option # 2 with GERMAN Technology ZENITH brand whose import value – / + US $ 3,250,000, –

Here is a short review Number 9, about whether it is the AAC lightweight concrete brick. My review; Ibrahim, made by the talks with Mr. Wang, a Bachelor of Chemical engineering from China. Also from the reference/book of the technique of making AAC lightweight concrete brick in China. I combine with my Lecturing experience in P2M U.I. Machine Engine Faculty, Salemba, Jakarta.


1 Preparation and storage of raw materials. In the production of aerated concrete, siliceous materials such as Sand, Fly Ash, etc. are first ground. Among them, according to the requirements of raw materials and process characteristics, some are dry-milled into powder, and some are wet-milled to make Slurry.  And mixed with a part of Lime.  There are two methods of mixing: one is Dry mixing to prepare cement; the other is wet grinding with water, mainly to improve the characteristics of Fly Ash or and Sand, called Hydrothermal Ball Milling.  Most of the Lime purchased by people is in Block form, so Lime must also be crushed and ground. Gypsum is generally not ground separately, or mixed with Fly Ash (Sand) and ground together, or mixed with Lime.  A ball Mill is used with the Lime wheel, and other auxiliary materials and chemicals are often used in the system.

The storage of raw materials is mainly to ensure the continuity of production and the stability of raw materials. The continuity is to meet the requirements of the production cycle. The stability is mainly to realize the reasonable cooperation of raw materials of different sources and quality through storage to meet the process requirements.  Or make the raw materials stable through storage, such as freshly burned quicklime, because the internal chemical reaction has not been completely finished, at this time, it is used for washing, it is very easy to destroy the pouring stability, and after a certain period of storage, it can make it completely react; or  The homogenization of raw materials is realized through storage, such as Lime from crushing, grinding to ingredients, usually through Secondary Silos storage, and at the same time, it also completes the secondary conical stacking and unwinding functions, thus realizing  Material homogenization. The raw material preparation and storage process is the preparation process of the ingredients. It is the reprocessing of the raw materials to meet the technological requirements and the preparation before the completion of the ingredients. The Homogenization and aging processes directly affect the smooth progress of the entire production process.  Whether the product quality can meet the most basic process requirements.

For a face-to-face consultation on investing, please contact HP IBRAHIM 087888901622 & 081293888966 We offer an Investment Package of  Rp50 Billion with R.O.I. 22 months.

Thank you and sincerely;

Best Regards,



Jakarta, Minggu 26 Juli 2020


Kepada Yth: Bapak-Bapak & Ibu-Ibu Calon Investor Pabrik Bata Beton Ringan AAC di Seluruh Indonesia.

Kami tawarkan Paket Modal Rp50 milyar dengan R.O.I. 22 bulan (dengan mesin impor senilai US$1,2juta sampai mutu Jerman buatan China senilai impor US$3,5juta, belum termasuk Bea Masuk/PPN/PPH)

Berikut adalah sebuah ulasan singkat yang ke 8, tentang apakah itu Bata Beton Ringan AAC. Ulasan saya; Ibrahim, bikin ULASAN berikut, dari hasil bincang-bincang dengan Mr. Wang, seorang Sarjana Teknik Kimia dari China. Juga dari referensi/buku Teknik Pembuatan Bata Beton Ringan AAC yang diterbitkan & di cetak di China. saya kombinasikan dengan pengalaman saya sebagai Staf Pengajar di Lembaga P2M Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Teknik Mesin, Salemba, Jakarta.

foto pre curing room 2016

Proses produksiBata Beton Aerasi/AAC.

Bata Beton Aerasi/AAC adalah sejenis Bata Beton Silika berpori, yang berbeda dengan Bata Beton biasa dan Bata Beton Silika.  Kekuatannya dansifat fisik  , tetapi juga dipengaruhi  oleh struktur pori.  Oleh karena itu, ia memiliki proses produksi khusus, dan proses produksinya memiliki karakteristik tersendiri tergantung pada bahan baku yang digunakan.

Jenis Bata Beton Aerasi/AAC.

Bata Beton Aerasi/AAC terbuat dari Bahan Berkapur  (Kapur) dan bahan Pasir Silika sebagai bahan baku penting utama.  Ini melalui proses Aerasi di tabung Autoklaf untuk membentuk struktur berpori banyak, dan melalui reaksi Air Panas Sintesis Hidrotermal melalui Tabung Curing Autoclave untuk disalurkan Air Panas mengandung Asam Silika maka dihasilkanlah  sifat fisik dan mekanis kuat seperti Beton.  Dari perspektif komposisi materialnya dan reaksi serta produk Air Panas Sintesis Hidrotermalnya, ia adalah Beton Silika.  Dari perspektif struktur pori-porinya, dan ia juga Beton berpori.

Bahan baku dasar dan Komposisi pembentuk Bata Beton Aerasi/AAC.

Mereka dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai berikut: Komposisi bahan baku dasar membentuk berbagai jenis Bata Beton Aerasi/AAC.  Kita dapat membagi Bata Beton Aerasi/AAC yang dihasilkan dari bahan baku yang berbeda menjadi Bata Beton Aerasi/AAC KalsiumTunggal dan Kalsium Campuran. Ada dua (2) jenis Bata Beton Aerasi.  Diantaranya, bahan berKALSIUM Tunggal dengan campuran Semen + pasir Bata Baton Aerasi/AAC ;  Kapur + Pasir Beton Aerasi ;  Kapur  + Fly Ash + Beton Aerasi ; dan,  Kapur + Magma Vulkanik + Beton Aerasi.

Bahan campuran berkapur meliputi : Semen + Kapur + Pasir Beton Aerasi ;  Semen + Kapur + Bubuk Batubara ; Semen + Ampas Bubuk Besi/Slag + Pasir Beton Aerasi ;  Semen + Kapur + Pasir RESIDU Tambang ; dan;  Semen + Kapur +  Ampas Kerak Kue Bata Beton AAC.

Saat ini, terutama di China, memproduksi Bata Beton Ringan AAC dengan Bahan Baku : Semen + Kapur + Pasir Silika Beton ;  Semen + Kapur + Fly Ash beton aerasi ; dan ; Semen + Fly Ash Pasir Aerasi Beton, dimana semen + kapur + Fly Ash ditambahkan Bata Beton Aerasi/AAC adalah yang terbesar, terhitung sekitar  65% dari total output.

Beton Aerasi untuk tujuan yang berbeda.  Menurut tujuan yang berbeda, varietas produk Beton Aerasi dapat dibagi menjadi blok tanpa beban, blok bantalan beban, blok isolasi/peredam, panel dinding dan panel atap.

Untuk memenuhi tujuan yang berbeda, beberapa perusahaan juga memproduksi blok berbentuk khusus, papan berbentuk khusus.  Diantaranya, blok non-beban adalah yang paling banyak diproduksi dan digunakan, dan kepadatan curahnya umumnya 500kg / m3 dan 600kg / m3.  Terutama digunakan di dinding pengisi dan dinding partisi dalam struktur pilar tanpa menahan beban.  Beratnya jenis blok bantalan beban adalah 600kg /m3, 700kg /m3 dan 800kg/m3.

Di dalam bangunan, ia menanggung beban setelah perawatan strukturkhusus, dan penahan panas. Kepadatan missal blok ini umumnya 300kg/m3 dan 400kg/m3, yang terutama digunakan untuk isolasi bangunan.


Terima kasih dan Hormat saya;


Untuk Konsultasi Tatap Muka tentang Penanaman MODAL, Mohon Hubungi  HP IBRAHIM 087888901622 & 081293888966 


Jakarta, Sunday 26 July 2020


To : Ladies & Gentlemen as prospective investors in Indonesia for AAC Light Concrete Brick factory.

Here is a short review Number 8, about what is the AAC Lightweight Concrete Brick. My review; Ibrahim, made by the talks with Mr. Wang, a Bachelor of Chemical engineering from China. Also from the reference/book of the technique of making AAC lightweight concrete brick in China. I combine with my Lecturing experience in P2M University of Indonesia, Machine Engine Faculty, Salemba, Jakarta.

foto pre curing room 2016

The production process of aerated concrete.

Aerated concrete is a kind of porous silicate concrete, which is different from ordinary concrete and silicate concrete. Its strength and other physical and mechanical properties are not only affected by hydration products, but also by the pore structure influence.  Therefore, it has its special production process, and its production process has its own characteristics depending on the raw materials used.  Types of aerated concrete. Aerated concrete is based on calcareous materials and siliceous materials as the main raw materials. It uses chemical aeration method to form a porous structure, and completes the hydrothermal synthesis reaction through autoclave curing to obtain silicic acid with physical and mechanical properties such as strength  Salt concrete. From the perspective of its material composition and its hydrothermal synthesis reaction and products, it is a silicate concrete from the perspective of its pore structure, and it is also a porous concrete.  Regarding the raw materials and uses of aerated concrete, they can be classified as follows: The composition of basic raw materials forms different types of aerated concrete. We can divide the aerated concrete produced from different raw materials into single-calcium aerated concrete and mixed calcium  There are two types of aerated concrete.  Among them, the single calcareous material includes cement + sand aerated concrete: lime + sand aerated concrete; lime-fly ash aerated concrete and lime + tuff aerated concrete. Mixed calcareous materials include: cement + stone  Cement+sand aerated concrete; cement+lime+aerated concrete: cement+slag+sand aerated concrete; cement+lime+tailing sand aerated concrete and cement+lime+fluidized slag aerated concrete  Soil. At present, China mainly produces cement + lime + sand aerated concrete, cement + lime + fly ash aerated concrete and cement + slag + sand aerated concrete, of which cement + lime + fly ash are added  Aerated concrete is the largest, accounting for about 65% of the total output. Aerated concrete for different purposes. According to different purposes, the varieties of aerated concrete products can be divided into non-load-bearing blocks, load-bearing blocks, insulation blocks, wall panels and roof panels.  To meet different purposes, some companies also produce special-shaped blocks, special-shaped boards and decorative blocks, decorative boards. Among them, non-load-bearing blocks are the most widely produced and used, and their bulk density is generally 500kg/m3 and 600kg/m3.  Mainly used in the infill wall and partition wall in the pivot structure without bearing the load. The bulk density of the load-bearing block is 600kg/m3, 700kg/m3 and 800kg/m3. In the building, it bears the load after special structure treatment, and heat preservation  The bulk density of the block is generally 300kg/m3 and 400kg/m3, which are mainly used for building insulation.

We offer a Rp50 billion Capital Package with R.O.I. 22 months (with imported machinery valued from US $ 1.2 million to German quality made in China import value at US $ 3.5 million, excluding Import Duties / VAT / Corporate Income Tax)


For a face-to-face consultation on investing, please contact HP IBRAHIM 087888901622 & 081293888966

Thank you and sincerely;

Best Regards,




foto-bata-11c-vertical-cuttung-2016We can not deny, that the AAC Lightweight brick or autoclaved Aerated Concrete is a Building Materials future Business in Indonesia.

For consulting and business planning AAC Lightweight Brick factory, immediately contact Ibrahim on mobile and Whatsapp 081293888966

There is a AAC Lightweight Bata in Cikande to Rangkas Bitung, Serang district, Banten province, which just started production since May 2016 last month, buyers now have to queue up to 1 week to 8 days.

Backlog items that we’ve received from buyers Prepayment AAC Lightweight Brick, up to 5,000 cubic, – / + 300 trucks.

We can not deny, that the AAC Lightweight brick or autoclaved Aerated Concrete is a Building Materials future Business in Indonesia.

For consulting and business planning AAC Lightweight Brick factory, immediately contact Ibrahim on mobile and Whatsapp 081293888966

If the Ladies or Gentlemen, would like to invest with a net profit Rp1,000,000,000, – per month, please contact us. We provide financial planning company AAC Lightweight Brick factory. Ibrahim himself will give consultation.

Ibrahim is Agent AAC Lightweight Machinery Factory maker of China. Quality guaranteed, according to the price of the machine is cheaper than European Machine.

We can not deny, that the AAC Lightweight brick or autoclaved Aerated Concrete is a Building Materials future Business in Indonesia.

For consulting and business planning AAC Lightweight Brick factory, immediately contact Ibrahim on mobile and Whatsapp 081293888966

Red brick and Batako brick, is a traditional building materials which will soon become the past.

Now, Indonesia still lacks Brickyard Light AAC.

We can not deny, that the AAC Lightweight brick or autoclaved Aerated Concrete is a Building Materials future Business in Indonesia.

For consulting and business planning AAC Lightweight Brick factory, immediately contact Ibrahim on mobile and Whatsapp 081293888966

Ibrahim himself, in August 2015 and then, in Baturaja , which already has Baturaja Cemen Factory owned by Government, but it’s hard to buy Bricks Lightweight AAC in Baturaja, South Sumatra.

We can not deny, that the AAC Lightweight brick or autoclaved Aerated Concrete is a Building Materials future Business in Indonesia.

For consulting and business planning AAC Lightweight Brick factory, immediately contact Ibrahim on mobile and Whatsapp 081293888966

Logically, in every town and district of the city, there are at least 1 AAC Lightweight Brick factory.

It will support development in cities and districts of the city.

We can not deny, that the AAC Lightweight brick or autoclaved Aerated Concrete is a Building Materials future Business in Indonesia.

For consulting and business planning AAC Lightweight Brick factory, immediately contact Ibrahim on mobile and Whatsapp 081293888966

For commercial, Shop House, 2-story building (two) or more, preferably using AAC Lightweight Brick .

With establishment n Mall, Offices, Warehouses, Factories, Housing, now is the time to use AAC Lightweight Brick.

We can not deny, that the AAC Lightweight brick or autoclaved Aerated Concrete is a Building Materials future Business in Indonesia.

For consulting and business planning AAC Lightweight Brick factory, immediately contact Ibrahim on mobile and Whatsapp 081293888966

Want to make profit billions of rupiah per month, Ibrahim gives consultations and participate in corporate management to all of you Ladies and Gentlemen, to build AAC Lightweight Brick factory.

For consulting and business planning AAC Lightweight Bata factory, immediately contact Ibrahim on mobile and Whatsapp 081293888966


Tidak bisa kita pungkiri, bahwa Bata Ringan AAC atau Autoclaved Aerated Concrete adalah Bisnis Bahan Bangunan masa depan di Indonesia.

Untuk konsultasi dan perencanaan bisnis pabrik Bata Ringan AAC, segera hubungi Ibrahim di ponsel dan Whatsapp  081293888966

Ada Pabrik Bata Ringan AAC di Cikande arah Rangkas Bitung, Kabupaten Serang, Propinsi Banten, yang baru mulai produksi sejak bulan Mei 2016 lalu, kini pembeli Bata Ringan AAC harus antri sampai 1 minggu sampai 8 hari.

Backlog kiriman yang kami sudah terima Pembayaran Di Muka dari pembeli Bata Ringan AAC, sampai 5.000 kubik, -/+ 300 truk engkel.

Tidak bisa kita pungkiri, bahwa Bata Ringan AAC atau Autoclaved Aerated Concrete adalah Bisnis Bahan Bangunan masa depan di Indonesia.

Untuk konsultasi dan perencanaan bisnis pabrik Bata Ringan AAC, segera hubungi Ibrahim di ponsel dan Whatsapp  081293888966

Jika Bapak atau Ibu, ingin berinvestasi dengan keuntungan bersih Rp1.000.000.000,- per bulan, segera hubungi kami. Kami berikan perencanaan keuangan perusahaan pabrik Bata Ringan AAC. Ibrahim sendiri yang akan memberikan konstultasinya.

Ibrahim adalah Agen Pabrik Mesin Mesin pembuat Bata Ringan AAC dari China. Mutunya terjamin, sesuai dengan harga mesinnya yang lebih murah daripada Mesin Eropa.

Tidak bisa kita pungkiri, bahwa Bata Ringan AAC atau Autoclaved Aerated Concrete adalah Bisnis Bahan Bangunan masa depan di Indonesia.

Untuk konsultasi dan perencanaan bisnis pabrik Bata Ringan AAC, segera hubungi Ibrahim di ponsel dan Whatsapp  081293888966

Bata Merah dan Batako, adalah bahan bangunan tradisional yang akan segera menjadi masa lalu.

Kini, Indonesia masih kekurangan Pabrik Bata Ringan AAC.

Tidak bisa kita pungkiri, bahwa Bata Ringan AAC atau Autoclaved Aerated Concrete adalah Bisnis Bahan Bangunan masa depan di Indonesia.

Untuk konsultasi dan perencanaan bisnis pabrik Bata Ringan AAC, segera hubungi Ibrahim di ponsel dan Whatsapp  081293888966

Ibrahim sendiri, bulan Agustus tahun 2015 lalu, di Baturaja, yang sudah memiliki Pabrik Semen BUMN Baturaja, tapi sulit untuk beli Batu Bata Ringan AAC di Baturaja, Sumatera Selatan.

Tidak bisa kita pungkiri, bahwa Bata Ringan AAC atau Autoclaved Aerated Concrete adalah Bisnis Bahan Bangunan masa depan di Indonesia.

Untuk konsultasi dan perencanaan bisnis pabrik Bata Ringan AAC, segera hubungi Ibrahim di ponsel dan Whatsapp  081293888966

Logisnya, di tiap kota dan kabupaten kota, minimal ada 1 pabrik Bata Ringan AAC.

Ini akan menunjang pembangunan di kota dan kabupaten kota tersebut.

Tidak bisa kita pungkiri, bahwa Bata Ringan AAC atau Autoclaved Aerated Concrete adalah Bisnis Bahan Bangunan masa depan di Indonesia.

Untuk konsultasi dan perencanaan bisnis pabrik Bata Ringan AAC, segera hubungi Ibrahim di ponsel dan Whatsapp  081293888966

Untuk Ruko, Rukan, bangunan berlantai 2 (dua) atau lebih,sebaiknya menggunakan Bata Ringan AAC.

Pembanguna n Mall, Perkantoran, Gudang, Pabrik, Perumahan, kini saatnya menggunakan Bata Ringan AAC.

Tidak bisa kita pungkiri, bahwa Bata Ringan AAC atau Autoclaved Aerated Concrete adalah Bisnis Bahan Bangunan masa depan di Indonesia.

Mau untung milyaran rupiah per bulan, Ibrahim memberikan konsultasi dan ikut serta dalam manajemen perusahaan Bapak dan Ibu, untuk membangun pabrik Bata Ringan AAC.

Untuk konsultasi dan perencanaan bisnis pabrik Bata Ringan AAC, segera hubungi Ibrahim di ponsel dan Whatsapp  081293888966